A Therapeutic Guided Meditation

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A Therapeutic Guided Meditation

This ‘Therapeutic Guided Meditation’ has been written as a coping tool specifically to help those who are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad or angry.

For everyone sold, Sheila will gift a copy to a NHS or frontline worker. If you are an NHS or frontline worker and would like one of the free gifted copies then please email me your information.

Sheila McMahon, a Registered Qualified Counsellor and a Family Therapy Practitioner with over a decade of experience, has created and released this ‘Therapeutic Guided Meditation’, with the intent to help NHS & key workers, social care workers and anyone who is dealing with stress, pressure and loss right now. She has created this due to the unprecedented current situation that for some people is causing immense emotional distress.

The ‘Therapeutic Guided Meditation’ is different from Guided Relaxation/ Meditation as through a set of counselling questions and skills it enables you to have an emotional offload, along with breathing exercises, physical overview of your body, reassuring affirmations and beautiful visual imagery. It encourages the use of your our senses as a resource to really immerse yourself into a guided relaxation supporting you to let go of some of the emotional distress to feel lighter, relaxed and calm.

"I found it so easy to follow. In fact it is the 1 st guided meditation I have ever been able to follow and fully immerse myself! The affirmations are really good and I love the visuals for those who don’t feel comfortable with closing their eyes – you can easily lose yourself in them."
Shirley Way, Locality Manager (Midlands)

Access to the meditation session is just £7.99 during this time ( usual price £25.99) which you can pay via paypal or card. Once purchased you will receive an email receipt from paypal and another email from me with the link to download the meditation. The file is 500Mb in size so we recommend downloading the file over wifi and it may take up to 5 minutes to fully download depending on your download speed.

It’s so important that we support ourselves and each other, so that we don’t suffer long term effects with our own mental health because of this global pandemic.

How this helps you and others is by releasing some of that emotional pressure as part of mental health self-care so that the overwhelm doesn’t turn into a serious mental health condition in the future. This is a preventative tool to manage the emotional stress along the way.

This lifetime guide can be used again and again as part of a self-care routine.

Please help me spread this Therapeutic Tool to as many key workers and people as possible making a global difference, working together and looking after our mental health. We all are in this together. Thank you

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A Therapeutic Guided Meditation
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